Divya Galway
Escorts Trivandrum, the biggest of Kerala’s Thali massage hotels, is a luxurious and exclusive place where you will be treated with the best of the exotic and sensual massage services. There are several exotic massage services offered by the company; you can take a look at all of them by visiting the website. It offers a variety of services that include an amazing full body massage, soft foot massage, sensual massage and an amazing sensual foot fetish.
The sensual massage that the hotel provides to their clients is one of the best that you will have in Kerala. The warm and rich aroma of Rosemary, jasmine, rose and eucalyptus is enough to put your senses into ecstasy. The sensual massage also includes the special care that the masseur gives his client.
The exotic services that are offered by the hotel also include foot fetish. This is another form of massaging and it can last from one to two hours depending on the masseuse. The masseuse will use all his skill in making his client satisfied with his foot fetish.
The Thali massage that is provided by the company is also very famous. There are many of the spa houses that offer Thali massage services to the visitors but none of them compare with the services provided by the company. There are so many people who love the Thali massage and they even ask for it in the special gift shops that are provided by the spa house. It is always better to have this type of massage if you are having an affair with someone.
The massage services also include a full body massage. You can relax in the spa house and enjoy the warm and cozy atmosphere after a long day of work or if you want to have some romantic moments with your spouse.
There are some of the well known massage therapists who are providing this type of service at the spa house and they also offer the Thali massage to their customers. You can have a good time with the massage therapist during the massage session. The therapist will be giving you all the relaxation and luxury that you deserve.
You can also enjoy the massage by staying in a suite, which is located in the room of the massage therapist and you can take the services of the masseur during the night. If you want to make your experience romantic, you can spend some time together in a bedroom and you can take pleasure in the sensual massage.
The massage is so good that you will forget about everything else and just enjoy the massage. The massage can bring out the best in you and make you feel very relaxed. You can relax and enjoy the massage services of the masseur and forget about your problems and tensions.
The massage can give you a very good time because you will not feel any pressure on your mind when you go to the spa house. You will be relaxed and happy and your mind will be free from any stress and tensions. This will give you a lot of fun and you will find the entire experience to be very pleasant.
When you go for this service kiss you will not need any lingerie as you will not need to wear any lingerie during the massage session. The masseur will also provide you with lots of oils that you can use during the massage sessions and this will make you more relaxed. The massage will also help you a lot in relieving the tension in your body.
You can also get to see a lot of the other things that the spa house has to offer to its customers. You can see the various massage chairs that are provided at the spa house and you can also see the different types of the massaging chair available. There are different types of massage tables available in the spa house and they are designed in such a way that you can choose the kind of table that will help you in relieving your tensions. This is one of the major advantages of using the massage chairs.
The spa house is also very good in providing food for the guests and the food served at the spa house is of the best quality and the food served by the masseur is also of good quality and the drinks served by the masseur are always fresh. You can enjoy all these benefits with the help of the service of the spa house and you can also enjoy the exotic massage that the spa house provides.